Our Services For Trusted Advisors
PRMSbyHerSide is a groundbreaking initiative spearheaded by our female led executive team, dedicated to bridging the gap in top tier property and casualty insurance services available in the market for women led households, particularly those navigating significant life transitions such as divorce or widowhood. Developed over 15 years, this specialized service caters to these clients by working closely with advisors who also prioritize this underserved population.
Real Life Client Examples:
Claims Experience
Our Client’s home experienced a major claim due to a significant storm. We spoke to both the client and the insurance company multiple times, monitoring the situation and making sure our client received a quick and fair settlement. The check was in our hands within 48 hours of settlement. We invited the client’s Advisor to join us to hand deliver the check. Our mutual client was ecstatic.
Major Gaps in Coverage Identified and Addressed
The Financial Advisor for our prospect asked his client when the last review of his property and casualty program had occurred and learned it hadn’t happened in recent history. He gathered the client’s policies and asked us to conduct our analysis. In this case, the client had all policies with a direct writer. Several gaps were identified, but the most significant was the client’s home was underinsured by $1 million. The client also had two policies covering the exposure. Multiple recommendations were made.
Significant Savings
A Private Banker referred a new client of his for a thorough insurance review. The client’s coverage was mostly appropriate, however, his program was with three different insurance companies. By marketing all of the policies with one insurance company, the client saved 29%.
Significant Coverage Improvements and Savings
A Family Office Manager requested we review his client’s insurance program. This client is a wealthy business owner who is extremely busy and short on time. The client had multiple insurance company relationships although all with one broker. We made several recommendations:
1.Consolidate with one insurance company 2. Move the collector car to a collector vehicle policy for significant savings and 3. Increase the excess liability coverage. The client hired us, made these changes and saved 36%.
Multiple Gaps in Coverage Identified and Addressed and Savings
The Wealth Manager for a well-known personality asked us to conduct a personal risk assessment for her client whose divorce recently became final. Multiple gaps in coverage were identified, but most importantly, the client had no umbrella coverage as all of the insurance policies were in her ex-husband’s name. Additionally, the client experienced a significant savings. Both the client and the wealth manager were thrilled.

Thank you again on your thoroughness and professionalism. The detail you go to for clients is unmatched based on the insurance professionals I have worked with in the past. Look forward to bringing you more clients shortly. - Trusted Advisor
We are happy to work with you and your team. Get in touch to learn more about how we can help you and your clients.
“Good insurance isn’t about what your possessions are worth. It’s about what your time and peace of mind are worth.”
- Celia Santana
President & CEO -PRMS